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Providing cost effective family legal services in the areas of cohabitation agreements, prenuptial agreements, separation agreements, divorce, custody and guardianship, access and parenting time, child support, spousal support, property distribution, and more at Juvinao Family Law.

Cohabitation Agreements - Couple hugging

Cohabitation Agreements

Are you living together but not married? A Cohabitation Agreement can reduce uncertainty by clearly outlining rights and obligations for both parties in the event that the relationship ends.

Prenuptial Agreements - Couple holding hands

Prenuptial Agreements

Thinking about tying the knot? This is the time to plan for the future in a smart and sensitive manner. A prenuptial agreement can protect you and your assets and reduce the stress and costs involved in litigation in the event that the marriage ends.

Prenuptial Agreements
Cohabitation Agreements
Separation Agreements - Handshake

Separation Agreements

The breakdown of the relationship is a stressful and uncertain time and the prospect of going to court is daunting. You and your spouse can reached an agreement that make sense for  you both while allowing some measure of control over the outcome and costs in the event of a separation. Separation agreements are binding contracts that address matters such as custody of the children, child support payments, spousal support payments, and division of property in a tailored manner. We can provide you with the legal advice you need going through the negotiation process and formalizing the terms of your agreement.

Custody and Guardianship  - Adult and baby hand

Decision Making (formely Custody) and Guardianship 

When couples are going through a divorce or separation, the children’s welfare is always a top priority. The well-being of the children is the goal and having the ability to make decisions in matters like health, education, religious upbringing and other relevant aspects of your children's life is essential. We can help resolve child custody issues and help you  protect your family.

Child Support - Children in school

Child Support

Children have the right to be financially supported by their parents. At times of financial distress such as divorce or separation, parents have questions and concerns as to how to fulfill this obligation. Child Support is calculated using the Child Support Guidelines and the parties individual case. Child support is determined based on parental income, the number of children and the parenting arrangement. There are other expenses that may be payable proportional to the parents income such as those related to childcare, medical and dental and extracurricular activities. We will be pleased to meet with you and provide you with the answers to your questions.

Divorce - Pen and paper


A divorce is a charged with stress and unknowns. It affects you, your children, and your finances.  Knowing your rights is the first step towards achieving resolution. Whether your concerns are with respect to custody, parenting, child support, spousal support payments, property division, or any other family matters, we will provide you with the legal advice you need to resolve your divorce. We will keep you informed of the process, work with you closely while designing a cost effective legal solution that fits your needs. 

Access and parenting time - Child in shopping cart

Parenting time (formely Access)

Maintaining two family homes can be challenging for both the children and the parents. A sound and clear parenting arrangement plan for you and your family can provide the basis for effective and ongoing co-parenting, . Contact us for information as to your rights, obligations and your options moving forward.

Spousal Support  - Coins

Spousal and Partner Support 

Spousal support and partner support, also referred to as alimony, is an important matter during  divorce or separation and it is an area of the law that is not black and white. There are several factors that need to be considered and each case is unique. Some of the determining factors include age, earning capacity, length of the marriage, budgets, education, work experience, the roles of the parties during the relationship, etc. These factors will have an impact on the determination of entitlement, the amount of spousal support payments and length of time that spousal support is to be paid. 

We are here to help you navigate spousal support issues. Contact us.

Separation Agreements
Custody and Guardianship
Access and Parenting Time
Child Support
Spousal Support
Property distribution  - Pen and calculator

Property division - Assets and Debts 

Throughout the course of a relationship, married and unmarried couples accumulate assets and liabilities. When the relationship ends, the distribution of these assets and liabilities becomes an important item on the agenda. To determine a fair and transparent distribution of assets and liabilities, the parties are entitled to know what is on the table, their net worth, and the available options to achieve a favourable distribution. Having access to sound and effective legal advice is crucial to protect yourself and your financial outlook.

And More from Juvinao Family Law - Gears

And More...

We can assist you with adoptions, mobility matters, independent legal advice and legal coaching. We  also offer Notary Public and Commissioner for Oaths services. 

Please take the next step and book a consultation.


We offer our services in Spanish. Asesoria y representacion juridica especializada en derecho familiar.   

And More..
Property Distribution

  Juvinao Family Law

We listen, we care, and we provide you with guidance, support and legal advice tailored to your specific legal needs.   

Juvinao Family Law Logo

“I am very pleased with the way Viviana helped me. She is a wonderful lawyer. The cost was reasonable. She was always very thorough, and honest with me. She has a very warm personality which really put me at ease” C.O.


“I am very pleased with the way Viviana helped me. She is a wonderful lawyer. The cost was reasonable. She was always very through, and honest with me. She has a very warm personality which really put me at ease” C.O.


Juvinao Family Law

Fish Creek Executive Centre

Address: 300, 340 Midpark Way S.E 

Calgary, Alberta.T2X 1P1

Phone: (587) 747-2475

Fax: (587) 747-2457


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